[#1] Amiga 500 1MB chip and A501
Hello to all, i'm newbie here...

i need some help or explanation on this dubt...

i have an A500 512K rev 6a and a A501 512K expansion...

now i think to populate the four empty bank on the motherboard with 4x256 to have 1MB chip ram... and still use the A501 for RTC and for 512k for Slow Fast...

It's possible? i read on more site but i'm confusing... I have read in the signatures that some user of PPA have this mod...

there is nobody that can help me? what has the procedure very clearly?

thanks in advance from italian boy...

ps: i lova amiga forever

[#2] Re: Amiga 500 1MB chip and A501

@emilen72, post #1

Try to contact with them direct by PM, here is one of the A500 specialist:
I'm sure he will help You.

[#3] Re: Amiga 500 1MB chip and A501

@bombermax, post #2

thanks... i have contact he....

[#4] Re: Amiga 500 1MB chip and A501

@emilen72, post #3



- A500 schematics really needed
- rev6a pin out
- chips must be fast, ALS, F or AS.
- may not work with original A501 because it has extra buffers that can delay signals too much. (most/all 3rd party expansions don't have buffers)
- cut all connections in JP3, RAC0 = topleft, RAF0 = bottomright
- don't forget +5v and GND connections
- J7A = original position
- JP2 = 1MB chip position, A23 = original position


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