[#1] Got Amigaone ? beta testers needed!

The racer project is still in development! Whe have good contacts with Cruden software (engine) and there is a change that whe could make the game commercial! (means linux/amiga/windows version on 1 DVD) But whe got problems whe only have 2 amigaone computers, so whe are looking for people who have a amigaone and are to beta test the racer project! The project for amiga is near 20% and whe are looking for new ideas to make this game more unique then the racer engine.So you want to be beta tester or have a great idea for racer mail us! (exp. tuning the cars,etc...)

Kind regards
The Proost software Amiga dev team


btw: sorry for the english but whe dont speak or understand polski

[#2] Re: Got Amigaone ? beta testers needed!

@proostsoftware, post #1


I don't know how many ppl here that do have A1 or mA1, but why don't you try the other Polish portal


other portals with ppl who surely have A1 are:


Have tried contacting them so far?

As for me I'd gladly beta test the game if it ran under MorphOS as I have a
Pegasos2 computer loaded with Radeon8500Pro ;)

Btw, do you consider commencing that game for MorphOS?

Best Regards, cool

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