Zamieścił: grxmrx
Rodzynki to dział PPA, w którym zamieszczamy za zgodą właścicieli praw autorskich pełne wersje gier i programów. Od dziś z tego działu można pobrać gry firm Anco, Simulmondo i Revolution Software.

Pełna lista nowości:
1000 Miglia, 3D Soccer,
3D World Tennis,
3D World Boxing,
Basket, Manager,
Big Game Fishing,
Diabolik - The Untouchable Criminal,
Diabolik 2 - La Gemma Di Salomone,
Diabolik 3 - La Fuga,
Diabolik 4 - Trappola D'Acciaio,
Diabolik 5,
Diabolik 6 - La Notte Della Paura,
Diabolik 7 - 4 Diamanti Unici,
Diabolik 8 - Un Piano Perfetto,
Diabolik 9 - A Caro Prezzo,
Diabolik 10,
Diabolik 11 - Inganno Fatale,

Dylan Dog 1 - The Queen of the Dark,
Dylan Dog 2 - Ritorno al Crepuscolo,
Dylan Dog 3,
Dylan Dog 4 - The Shadows,
Dylan Dog 5 - La Mumia,
Dylan Dog 6 - Maelstrom,
Dylan Dog 7 - Gente Che Scompare,
Dylan Dog 8 - La Clessidra di Pietra,
Dylan Dog 9,
Dylan Dog 10,
Dylan Dog 11 - Il Marchio Rossa,
Dylan Dog 12,
Dylan Dog 16 - Fantasmi,
Dylan Dog 17 - Il Cimitero Dimenticato,

F1 Manager,
Face Off,
Football Champ,
Formula 1 3D,
GP Tennis Manager,
Italian Night 1999,

Simulman 1 - Simulman,
Simulman 2 - Nella Morsa Di SS Dos,
Simulman 3,
Simulman 4,
Simulman 5 - I Rapitori Di Sogni,
Simulman 6 - Luna Park,
Simulman 7,
Simulman 8,
Simulman 9,
Simulman 10,
Simulman 11 - Jailhouse Rock,

Spiderman 1,
Spiderman 2,
Spiderman 3,

Tex 2 - Il Drago Rosso,
Tex 3 - Spettri,
Tex 4 - San Francisco,
Tex 5,
Tex 6,
Tex 7,
Tex 8,
Tex 9,
Tex 10,
Tex Willer 11,
Tex Willer 12 - La Mona Rossa,

Time Runners 1 - Gateways in Time,
Time Runners 2 - The Space Stone,
Time Runners 3 - The Big Run,
Time Runners 4 - The Castle of Fear,
Time Runners 5 - The Black Night,
Time Runners 6 - The Bewitched Forest,
Time Runners 7 - The Land of Invaders,
Time Runners 8 - The Impregnable Fortress,
Time Runners 9 - The Time Demon,
Time Runners 10 - The Time Sentry,
Time Runners 11 - The Steel City,
Time Runners 12 - A Target for the Cyborg,
Time Runners 13 - Cyberkiller,
Time Runners 14 - Toraxid - War Star,
Time Runners 15 - At The Speed of Light,
Time Runners 16 - The Galaxy Emperor,
Time Runners 17 - The Living Labirynth,
Time Runners 18 - The Killer Shadow,
Time Runners 19 - The Nightmare Prince,
Time Runners 20 - The Mountains of Death,
Time Runners 21 - Black Dragon's Course,
Time Runners 22 - The Eternal Damned,
Time Runners 23 - The Time Monarch,
Time Runners 24 - Beyond All Dimensions,
Time Runners 25 - The Lost Planet Earth,
Time Runners 26 - The Time Warrior,
Time Runners 27 - Red Night,
Time Runners 28 - Beyond The End,
Time Runners 29 - The Last Revelation,
Time Runners 30 - The Final Duel,

Tip Off,
Italy 90,
Kick Off 3,
Kick Off 3 - European Challenge,
Kick Off 96,
Player Manager 2,

Lure of the Temptress,
Beneath a Steel Sky.
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