kategoria: Karty procesorowe
Wątek zamknięty
[#271] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@snifferman, post #268

What was illegal about it?

It was reverse engineered (Copyright infringement) and misrepresented the clone as the real thing (Fraud).

We don't know if it was cloned or made it from revers enginering.

We do.. he posted a photo of a black PCB with no TF Logo. All real TF536s are green.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 17.09.2020 13:19:51 przez terriblefire
[#272] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@mmarcin2741, post #269

By the way, most Brits are proud of British Empire and its

That is complete rubbish. Only the tattooed idiots who go to football games.
[#273] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #272

Posts about that were hidden/deleted anyway.
[#274] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@mmarcin2741, post #273

You can see the photos here

[#275] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@recedent, post #270

Anyone sane...
[#276] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #271

It was reverse engineered (Copyright infringement)

Reverse engineering (both pcb or computer program) is not illegal (per se) though...
[#277] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@abcdef, post #276

yes, but selling this is illegal
[#278] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #267

Well,... someone said... " the main issue is that stupid people are so loud, and smart people are so quiet"... sorry for bad translation from memory
Some people should not open their mouths at all.
Telling the truth I had heard some rumors about you, and not knowing the whole truth I believed them. Now I know more, and I know there weren't any truth in those rumors.
I should also say some bad words about some people in my country regarding racism,... etc...
but I believe smart people already knows it and it's not worth talking with the others
I'm just really sorry for all those bad things and words that happened against you.
[#279] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@abcdef, post #276

Reverse engineering may be ( and is in most cases) illegal if not allowed by licence.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 17.09.2020 13:32:18 przez orila
[#280] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@abcdef, post #276

Reverse engineering (both pcb or computer program) is not illegal (per se) though...

Well.. lets say this isnt reverse engineering.. the guy did not measure the board and re-create a new board.

He blatently scanned the artwork and reproduced it. That is copyright theft. The same as selling pirated copies of games.

[#281] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@orila, post #278

Zgadzam się z Tobą OK

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 17.09.2020 13:40:10 przez RokiS
[#282] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@michal_zukowski, post #277

I believe you are missing the point (and Stephen as well). RE isn't inherently used for making copy of something. It's usually used to understand how it works and do something different working the same (or at least similar) way. That's also how you are able to make chipset replacement of SID, CIA or even Agnus. So if there are any copyright infringements that's not because of using RE but because of using the very same layout - no matter which method was used to get that layout.
[#283] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@abcdef, post #282

It wasnt reverse engineered. It was copied. My bloody name was still on it with the copyright notice. Please stop telling people these things about RE. We know it.... you are not clever by trying to push a point that is irrelevant.
[#284] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #283

Czy ta psycho drama zbliża się ku końcowi? Ktoś się orientuje? Proponuję zamknąć wątek, a autor jeśli chce strzelać focha i zamykać swoje projekty niech to robi, ale nie musi tego ogłaszać wszem i wobec tu na forum. Jeśli ma problem z kimś kto mu coś ukradł, to jest od tego sąd i policja, a nie jojczenie i szukanie osób które go będą głaskały po głowie i podtrzymywały na duchu.
[#285] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #271

It was reverse engineered

Reverse enginering is not illegal.
misrepresented the clone

So its a clone? Inside layers are identical?

He wrote that he sells plates for tf536.
Can you quote where its stated, that is a orginal thing?

he posted a photo of a black PCB with no TF Logo. All real TF536s are green.

So how it can be taken as a orginal?
[#286] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #283

If someone wanted to copy the board wouldn't it be wise to make it look like original too? If he paid so much attention to detail that he preserved your name and copyright notice in exactly the same place wouldn't he make the PCB green too so it was indistinguishable?

And that makes me wonder... Has anyone actually see the fake board/hold it in hand?

@snifferman: Gość sprzedawał to jako TerribleFire, a nie jako "StraszliwyOgień, płytka kompatybilna z TF". To na pewno nie jest zgodne z prawem.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 17.09.2020 14:01:14 przez recedent
[#287] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@snifferman, post #285

Ok i give up. Either you are all trolling me or you think stealing is fine.

I will give you nothing more to steal.
[#288] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@Aurel, post #284


Jeśli nie chcesz kontynuować wątku to przestań się w nim udzielać, wpisując prowokacyjne wypowiedzi.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 17.09.2020 14:03:29 przez recedent
[#289] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #283

We know it

Well then that was pretty unfortunate to use that term in same sentence with copyright infringement...
I was referring to one line from your post #271, nothing less, nothing more. Don't blow it out of the proportion.
[#290] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #287

Ok i give up. Either you are all trolling me or you think stealing is fine.

I will give you nothing more to steal.

Stealing is wrong, but some times is hard to proof.

I will give you nothing more to steal.

What's that supposed to mean?
[#291] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@snifferman, post #290

Już nie kumam, co chodzi. Przecież ten pan Zenon?
skasował wszystkie aukcje. Rozumiem, że TF nie
chce, żeby aukcje wróciły.
W sumie my mieliśmy klon NES'a, czyli Pegasusa,
ale to był Pegasus. Nikt nie nazwał tej konsolki
NES'em. TF ma tu rację.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 17.09.2020 14:46:16 przez mmarcin2741
[#292] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@snifferman, post #290

Limited manufacturer list and no public releases of future products (if any for Amiga world).
[#293] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #257

Ok i've found where this guy works. Its a CAD/CAM setup that looks like it has equipment that could be used to remove PCB layers very accurately and scan them. I think this guy is using expensive equipment at his work to do this.

Will you then delete all posts where you wrongfully accused JLCPCB leaking your files? For someone constantly talking about lawyers and legal cases your risking yourself to be sued by JLCPCB because of slandering their good reputation.
[#294] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@ernest536, post #293

Czy jest na sali moderator???
[#295] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@RokiS, post #294

Ernest Cebula specjalnie zalozyl tu konto zeby sie udzielic , pewnie to kolega tego co kradnie ok, racja
[#296] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@recedent, post #288

Post by terriblefire » Thu Sep 17, 2020 1:51 pm
Our friends on ppa.pl seem to think piracy is fine

W jakim celu został założony ten wątek?
Przestępstwami kradzieży, pomówień, gróźb i wszystkimi innymi powinien zająć się wymiar sprawiedliwości. W Niemczech, UK, Polsce i wszystkich innych krajach działa to podobnie. Przestępstwo to przestępstwo, kara powinna być nieuchronna.
Pojawiła się kolejna publiczna wypowiedź:
Post by terriblefire » Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:07 pm
Yeah... I think the average IQ on that forum is about 5.

Dajecie się wciągać w jakąś gierkę.
[#297] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@Shako, post #296

Obie strony sporu są widać cholernie milusińskie
[#298] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@Shako, post #296

I stand by my comment! This is what i think of many of the people who have posted on this thread.
[#299] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@ernest536, post #293

Will you then delete all posts where you wrongfully accused JLCPCB leaking your files? For someone constantly talking about lawyers and legal cases your risking yourself to be sued by JLCPCB because of slandering their good reputation.

Another retard comment. I have not been acusing JLC. I was assuming they had some security issue. Twist my words without using your brain ... idiot.

I think that people here are twisting everything. Anyways it feels like you are all glad. I will say you are all right but you can all be twisted alone together.

It is more important to make some bullshit point to all of you than the most important thing.. the hobby that you all are supposed to love.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 17.09.2020 16:20:41 przez terriblefire
[#300] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@Jacques, post #297

A wzjamne podkręcanie się nie jest dobre
Na stronie www.PPA.pl, podobnie jak na wielu innych stronach internetowych, wykorzystywane są tzw. cookies (ciasteczka). Służą ona m.in. do tego, aby zalogować się na swoje konto, czy brać udział w ankietach. Ze względu na nowe regulacje prawne jesteśmy zobowiązani do poinformowania Cię o tym w wyraźniejszy niż dotychczas sposób. Dalsze korzystanie z naszej strony bez zmiany ustawień przeglądarki internetowej będzie oznaczać, że zgadzasz się na ich wykorzystywanie.
OK, rozumiem