kategoria: Karty procesorowe
Wątek zamknięty
[#61] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@mateusz_s, post #60

I'm seeing people thinking that I will stop and that this was designed to make me stop.

I have not said I will stop. I will make lovely cards for me only. And enjoy them for myself and a few friends. Ones that do not give me hassle and behave like i owe them something or are telling me my cards are rubbish because it doesnt do exactly what they want.

Do not feel sorry for me. I will be completely fine and have a lot of fun. Probably I will not do Amiga only anymore.

Ultimately... ask yourself this. If you have a hobby and people throw shit at you when you share it... what would you do? You would just not share right?

EDIT: And i do have a temper about things sometimes but actually this decision was calm and easy. If someone is going to be so spiteful as to undercut me on a Ł15 product that will be open source in a few months.... wow.. Then these thieves are saying they did it because I am a racist... wow again.. they claim i dont ship to Poland.. I handed over all the sales/profits/everything to Exxos just to let shipping happen to Poland. So where is this racist proof? its just an excuse for behaving like this.

If one of these boards appears on Amibay the seller will get banned. (i have spoken to the admins)

If one of these boards appears on Ebay i will buy it myself and paypal/copyright claim it, and get the paypal account + bank account behind it frozen.

This person and anyone associated with them are scammers and names and addresses are being passed to the police to deal with them.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 13.09.2020 10:21:36 przez terriblefire
[#62] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #61

I personally don't get it, "punishing" whole community for someone's bad behaviour seems just plain wrong, childish or maybe a good excuse for what was already planned.

No one can stop you from "enjoying your lovely cards yourself", but expressing that on forums to make people sad/angry(?) seems a bit sick, too. While most of people were grateful and had lot of sympathy for you, that changes everything for me.
Keep your preciousssssss cards, we'll enjoy other projects, but you made no favour to your name in the WAY you stepped out, not by the fact itself. Peace.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 13.09.2020 10:28:40 przez Jacques
[#63] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #61

I think most ppl who don't understand why u are pissed never released anything worth copying in the first place. Don't let them make you think all Poles take IP theft lightly. As a creator you've all rights to be angry. No matter if you earn a lot on your product or not at all. Someone stole your creation and made counterfeit product. Naive is not the one who aims to satisfy community with decent product and doesn't e.g. lock CPLD. Naive is the one copying someone's work and thinking he'd get away with this just because it's a niche.
[#64] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@mateusz_s, post #60

Panowie, prosiłbym o nie zaniżanie poziomu dyskusji przez bezsensowne wylewanie subiektywnych żali i wzajemne obrażanie.
To że mamy wolność wypowiedzi oznacza że ponosimy odpowiedzialność za swoje słowa.
Jeżeli oczekujemy od kogoś profesjonalizmu sami powinniśmy wypowiadać się profesjonalnie, a dokładniej w sposób jakiego oczekujemy od innych.
Obiektywnie TF jako autor IP ma wszelkie prawo do dowolnego nim zarządzania.
To że ktoś czekał na projekt lub wydał kasę na CPU to już prywatna sprawa takich osób, bo ponoszą skutki głównie własnych wolnych decyzji. Ale niestety ludzie zawsze wolą obarczać winą innych. Np. wolimy mówić "Uciekł mi autobus" niż przyznać się do błędnej decyzji która spowodowała że sami odpowiadamy za spóźnienie. Rozumiem że niektórzy mogą być rozczarowani, ale nie może być to usprawiedliwieniem dla krytykowania działań chroniących IP.
Z kontekstu rozumiem że ktoś z Polski może być zamieszany w tę kradzież IP. Jeśli to prawda, uważam że powinien ponieść pełną odpowiedzialność karną.
Uważam też że generalizowanie Polski lub Polaków za niewłaściwe działania lub słowa pojedynczych jednostek jest niewłaściwe, niezależnie kto by się tak wypowiadał. Obiektywnie nie podoba mi się sposób wypowiedzi niektórych osób o Polsce i Polakach, ale nie może być to uzasadnieniem dla obrażania tych osób. Obrażanie się i wzajemne miotanie obelgami nie służy niczemu dobremu tylko pokazuje czasem nawet dziecinne i niepoważne podejście obu stron. Proponuję powstrzymać się od niepotrzebnych wylewów emocji dla dobra Amigowej społeczności.
Nie ważne jak ktoś emocjonalnie odebrał słowa TF, nie możemy tolerować łamania prawa, ani w agresywny sposób krytykować decyzji TF jako autora IP.
Proszę tylko o spokojne i wyłącznie profesjonalne wypowiedzi, aby nasza społeczność nie cierpiała z powodu nieodpowiedzialności jednostek.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 13.09.2020 10:40:11 przez orila
[#65] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@orila, post #64

A moderatorów prosiłbym o lepsze działanie.
[#66] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@orila, post #64

W ogłoszeniu było że wysyłka z Niemiec.
To czego od nas chce?
Niech se to tam załatwia.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 13.09.2020 10:53:47 przez swinkamor12
[#67] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #61

If my english reading skills are correct... you just described multiple people from Poland as thieves... but in other place you stated have evidence against one.
It's not fair.
[#68] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@orila, post #67

No this is not correct. The person is living in Germany. But he wrote this as the reason for doing this ..

Prawda , masz racje . Robię to tylko dlatego ze mnie wkurwil i nie wysyła do polski . Zwykły rasista . Dlatego tez zaleje rynek tanimy płytkami .. a jesli pojawi się tf1260 i nie będą go sprzedawać w Polsce
Zrobię to samo .

What am i supposed to think when i read this?
[#69] [post oznaczony jako OT] wyświetl Re: Cancellation of all TF projects
[#70] [post oznaczony jako OT] wyświetl Re: Cancellation of all TF projects
[#71] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #68

That it is time to change the CPLD (or anything you use) pinout layout and make his boards useless (if it is doable at the current state).

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 13.09.2020 11:42:02 przez michal_zukowski
[#72] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@michal_zukowski, post #71

I can do that but it will screw over the existing users :/ Its not their fault that this guy did that .
[#73] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@mmarcin2741, post #69

Polecam przeprosić bo Szkoci byli podobnie gnębieni przez Anglików co my pod zaborami.
[#74] [post oznaczony jako OT] wyświetl Re: Cancellation of all TF projects
[#75] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #68

That someone used polish community just as excuse to piss you off. People know that you have a temper (and for me it's fine, some others can't imagine why) and someone used it on purpose. He pissed you off to stop making cheap and affordable harware for everyone. Think about little conspiracy theory - WARP1260 is gonna cost >800€ now (including rev6 cpu). So it's not competition for ~400€ turbos. TF1260 was supposed to cos ~250€ (?? am i right here?) + CPU varies from 60€ (LC) to 400€ for rev6. But simply - someone can get turbo for A1200 for ~300€ and it will be 060. On other hand some people are making markets of 030 for A1200 for... more. This is conspiracy theory of course as i'm pretty sure there will be still market for 030 as 060 are limited, there will be still market for other products.
But what i'm thinking after whole day of this drama (and i had a lot trolls on my way in past) - someone is trying to stop you from doing awesome projects and everyone other loses.
Please consider patreon - not for making money - you can even gave them away to charity - it's your decission and yours only - but for sake of knowledge how many people care and appreciate your work. What is awesome about you - you are open to share your knowledge.
So please - let get scammer getting consequences, not whole community. Dickheads are everywhere - they just express themselves more loudly that normal people.
[#76] [post oznaczony jako OT] wyświetl Re: Cancellation of all TF projects
[#77] [post oznaczony jako OT] wyświetl Re: Cancellation of all TF projects
[#78] [post oznaczony jako OT] wyświetl Re: Cancellation of all TF projects
[#79] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #72

I can do that but it will screw over the existing users :/ Its not their fault that this guy did that .

You are saying something like this but on the other hand you are cancelling all your projects for the Amiga community. Isn`t this as you mentioned: "screwing over the existing users" and maybe the future ones? It`s really hard to understand. You know who did this but you are punishing everyone else instead.
[#80] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@nostrum666, post #79

You are saying something like this but on the other hand you are canceling all your projects for the Amiga community. Isn`t this as you mentioned: "screwing over the existing users" and maybe the future ones? It`s really hard to understand. You know who did this but you are punishing everyone else instead.

Yes but these people have not spent any money yet. I dont like to screw over actual users.
[#81] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@nostrum666, post #79

No, he said he'll make it for himself and his friends. He has all rights to do that and unless you pre-paid for TF1260 (and as I understand nobody did) you can't say you're being punished by the situation. Unless situation is resolved (so ppl at fault get what they deserve) I wholeheartedly support Stephen decision to back down from public releases of his hw. And since so many members of our community decided to attack Stephen instead of a thief I found it pretty reasonable to dump our part of amiga market totally. You reap what you sow they say.
[#82] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #68

Czyli znana jest jego motywacja, i ja jestem w stanie ja zrozumiec. Niedostepnosc danego produktu na jakims rynku albo zbyt wysoka cena zawsze tworzy "black market" na dany towar.
[#83] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@Don_Adan, post #82

Ale przez Exoss można było kupić także do Polski, poza tym człowiek chce sprzedawać płytki poza Polską. To już brzmi średnio.
[#84] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@Don_Adan, post #82

Z tym, że TF i Exxos się dogadali w sprawie dystrybucji i plytki ciągle są dostepne dla wszystkich.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 13.09.2020 12:44:09 przez makaron
[#85] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@Don_Adan, post #82

Cena była niska, a płytki mozna było zamówić do Polski. Po prostu nie wysyłał ich TF, a exxos.
To co jest pomijane to to, że TF rzeczywiście ma charakterek i w przeszłości na YT rantował sprzedawców z Polski za podbijanie ceny Agnusów.
Kradzież (piractwo) jednak jest niedopuszczalna w cywilizowanym świecie i gość co to zrobił musi ponieść konsekwencje. Przekładając to na pracę zwykłej osoby z kasy w Tesco - umawiasz się na 4000zł na rękę. Pracujesz, robisz swoje, a na koniec miesiąca klient mówi, że znalazł tańszego pracownika za 1800zł, więc wypłaci Ci 2000zł, jemu 1800zł, a sobie zachowa 200zł i ma dwa razy więcej pracy wykonane.
R&D to nie jest coś co sobie ktoś robi bez ponoszenia kosztów.
[#86] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@Don_Adan, post #82

The product was available. My only reason for not wanting to ship to Poland was

1. Things frequently go missing shipping to Poland. Like 1/2 the packages.
2. When things go missing the level of anger i get is high.
3. Royal Mail tracking is useless.
4. Courier option (like UPS) do not do pickup from my house on a schedule.

On point 4 it means that I will schedule a pickup and UPS can only give me a 2 day window. This is no use to me when I work in central Glasgow and can WFH once a week. So in order to facilitate one countries bad postal service i need to take time from my day job.

Thats why I gave everything to Exxos. I personally do not sell cards to anyone anymore. I stopped months ago. I have no stock.

This person's motivation was to teach me a lesson. It was driven by pure hate. And i know who else was helping him and encouraging him.

I thank my Polish friends in the UK for exposing this guy. They are good people.
[#87] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@abcdef, post #81

Nie twierdzę że nie ma prawa tak zrobić, bo ma. Też byłbym wkurzony gdyby ktoś mnie okradł i jeszcze do tego się z tym nie krył i wysyłał do mnie głupie, szydercze maile mające na celu wyłącznie wywołanie negatywnych emocji. Doceniam to co Stephen zrobił i robi dla społeczności Amigi. Jedyne czego nie rozumiem to stosowanie odpowiedzialności zbiorowej, to wszystko.
[#88] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #68

If longer I read all those informations, it's becaming clearer at least for me that all those wrong things happened in result of some misunderstanding and then it escalated due to some personal feelings turned into bad words and actions.
Now I can see that root cause wasn't your fault neither your personal feeling as some tried to state.
Those bad men misunderstood reasons why you stopped to send to Poland, and they decided to break the law. It's their fault not to try understand and break the law.
[#89] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #86

I hope things will get rectified shortly and you'll be back with a lot of needed enthusiasm once the dust settles.
[#90] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@nostrum666, post #87

The only thing I don't understand is applying collective responsibility, that's all.

I will try and explain this.....

To make ONE card for me is a lot easier. Usually its a few days... (Call this stage 1)

To make it work for everyone on every machine takes 5x the effort (Call this stage 2)

Then I see people object to the very very low return i get from this compared to the effort i wonder why I bother. I could stop at stage 1 and have what I want.

I see people say that JLCPCBs are lower price than I am selling them for.... Thats true. I get some money back to cover the costs of all the machines i need to test all the issues.

So when i see this behaviour it motivates me to stop at Stage 1. Which is fine for me to use or someone maybe like Chucky.. there are patch wires needing done etc. Something i will give away for free to friends not in sellable condition.

EDIT: Another way to say is the TF360/TF1260 is refined enough for my purposes but not the general Amiga community. And it feels like a real job to do this productionization. Which is not something you want to do for free when you are getting abused for it

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 13.09.2020 13:01:36 przez terriblefire
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