kategoria: Karty procesorowe
Wątek zamknięty
[#181] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@abcdef, post #180

Wsad cpld został upubliczniony przez autora.
[#182] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@snifferman, post #179

PCB is artwork. It has the same copyright as a piece of art. There is many many legal precedents for this.
[#183] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@snifferman, post #181

Upubliczniony samo w sobie niewiele znaczy, to co ważne to na jakiej licencji. Jeśli intencją autora było to by każdy posiadacz oryginału mógł sobie sam załadować to nie jest równoznaczne z zezwoleniem na wykorzystanie w celach zarobkowych przy tworzeniu kopii i sprzedaży "na boku" ... nawet jeśli każdy ma do tego dostęp.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 14.09.2020 17:19:51 przez abcdef
[#184] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@snifferman, post #181

Hackintoshe nie są legalne.
Czyli podobnie patrzeć sam fakt posiadania jed'ow do cpld nie oznacza, ze wolno je na zamiennym sprzęcie uruchomić?
[#185] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@abcdef, post #183

Wsad nie był sprzedawany.
Nie wiemy czy PCB było sklonowane czy zaprojektowane na przykładzie oryginału

W USA wygląda to tak
While cloning is illegal in this case, reverse engineering, where you are reproducing functionality rather than the actual design, is not. U.S. copyright law does, however, require the new PCB design to be identifiable from the original (via trace routing modifications, upgraded components etc).


Ostatnia aktualizacja: 14.09.2020 17:23:59 przez snifferman
[#186] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@snifferman, post #185

The (legal) issue was not that of cloning. It was that it was misrepresented as the original. (But I would still like to know how he has done this to stop it in future).

That is basically fraud. I dont care about copyright. I wish people would stop making arguments about it. To try and sell you a Ferrari when it is a copy is Fraud.

People say my name is mud. I disagree. This man is a fraudster and we have the advert and message exchanges. Enough to put to a court in Germany as an attempt defraud people into thinking they were buying original. His statement was that he had "unlimited" supply.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 14.09.2020 17:44:05 przez terriblefire

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 14.09.2020 17:44:52 przez terriblefire
[#187] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #186

There's a meme with "well yes, but actually no" - that's kind of similar. AFAIK you did not put TerribleFire as a trademark. That makes things a little bit harder. Not all that hard, he used the name intentionally to confuse ppl with original - that's not some random misunderstanding which just happens (but rarely on the same market). Copyrights aside I'm afraid that makes your case even less in your favor. What he claimed is actually irrelevant, unless he got caught on act (of actually selling counterfeit product) I'm quite convinced it'd be treated as misdemeanor. In which case (eventual) punishment won't be severe enough for him to stop. In fact I'd be surprised if he didn't start a new campaign in the meantime.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 14.09.2020 17:51:59 przez abcdef
[#188] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@abcdef, post #187

I am counting on him doing that. But i would rather catch him immediately and shut him down than let poor users get conned.
[#189] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #186

(But I would still like to know how he has done this to stop it in future).

PCB clone

There are several methods.
Milling/grinding PCB surface and scanning.
X-Ray method.
Brute-force method for connection's check.
[#190] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@snifferman, post #181

W wyszukiwarce JLCPCB można wszystko znaleźć, wystarczy troszkę skrolować.
DingensCGN z A1k, się troszkę pobawił i znalazł ciekawostki.
[#191] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@abcdef, post #187

W ogłoszeniu było "płytki do TF536". To tak jak felgi do 206. W sądzie to będzie za mało
[#192] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #186

We understand you (at least myself). Is there a chance that he was able to obtain the files from the pcb factory? Somebody mentioned that he was able to „reverse” work of matze and hese. Have you talked to them about it? Do they use the same pcb factory?
On behalf of Polish amiga community, I’d like to sincerly apologize you for what had happened. We appreciate your input into retro scene. Btw, good to see you here, if you would be prejudice towards Poland, you probably wouldn’t be here.
[#193] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@snifferman, post #191

Wiem, dlatego napisałem co napisałem.

@TF - I hope all goes well, with recent actions and with what future holds. If I were you I wouldn't disclose any more information which he might use to either avoid responsibility atm or be way too cautious in the future. Play it well and win in the end.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 14.09.2020 18:07:20 przez abcdef
[#194] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@micromars, post #174

Jak nie istnieje, jak istnieje? Zalezy tylko w jakiej liczbie sztuk. Nawet Natami istnieje w ilosci ponad 20 egzemplarzy.
[#195] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@Don_Adan, post #194

Anyways all. I think some things will never be solved and arguments are not going to help

There will be no more public Amiga TF. Enjoy everything that is there already please. I dont feel like i lose anything it was technical exercise for me anyways.
[#196] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@SimonGK, post #18

TF był uprzedzony do Polaków, a nasz rodak jeszcze to pogłębil.

[#197] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #163

I will never pay more for postage than the item is worth. Even if someone else is paying. Its simpler for me just not to ship to countries with bad postal services.

To jest nieakceptowalne. To jest dyskryminacja.

Widać tu już wszystko.
W odpowiedzi na dyskryminację, D wziął i sklonował twoją płytkę.
Skoro nie chcesz sprzedawać, nawet biorąc więcej za wysyłkę, cóż - ok.
Oczywiście po załatwieniu sprzedaży na exxos,
D nie powinien klonować i sprzedawać twoich płytek.
Reszta to już wzajemne niepotrzebne złośliwości.
Niepotrzebne nakręcanie się po jednej i drugiej stronie.
Proponuje zapomnieć o całej sprawie.
[#198] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@Dorian3d, post #196

Dorian3d thinks the situation is funny. Not so
funny for Stephen who is discriminated
against in the UK just for being a Scottish
[#199] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@mmarcin2741, post #198

Guys, why don't you just let it go?
Even though he did not deserve the trouble that law-breaker made to him, he's fine with it, as it was more "technical exercise", and doing something for community seems to be just a side-effect. Otherwise he wouldn't stop and let the bastard win, leaving real and dedicated Amigans empty-handed.

I dont feel like i lose anything it was technical exercise for me anyways.

So be it. Let's not beg nor pump someone's ego that way. Time always tells if someone is happy for what he's remembered in the end.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 15.09.2020 10:31:25 przez Jacques
[#200] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@mmarcin2741, post #198


The people really who know me would laugh at anyone calling me a nationalist. I would like the Highlands and Islands to be a free state and people only allowed to speak Gaelic.

Glasgow is a foreign country to me.
[#201] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@Jacques, post #199

Here is how things will "wind down". I think this is fair considering what has happened.

[#202] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #201

szeroki uśmiech OK
[#203] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@RokiS, post #202

Finally.. I know many people have said i should have done crowdfunding on this stuff... But honestly i have seen how people who do crowdfunding get treated and honestly Amiga end users are demanding enough without this.

Look at what happened to the C256 Lady.. the backers demanded more and more features and I bet at some point she felt "owned" by those people. I really dont want that. Hobby should be fun. And if you cant walk away its not fun.

I only ever wanted enough money back to stop my wife from getting annoyed at me for buying all these parts, equipment and computers to test on. Just cushion the loss a bit.
[#204] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@terriblefire, post #203

Sprzęt będzie, zbliża się zima i trzbaby coś zakupić,
ale co jest lepsze terrible fire czy wicher?
[#205] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@mmarcin2741, post #204

To odpowiedz sobie na pytanie.
Czy lepszy jest samochód z silnikiem z 1989 roku o mocy 50KM i klimatyzacją czy z silnikiem z 1983 roku o mocy 14KM i nawiewem powietrza?
Wicher to świetna zabawka za 200zł, z 8MB RAM i podkręconym lekko 68000.
TF536 to zabawka za 550zł z 64MB RAM i podkręconym lekko 68030.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 15.09.2020 18:04:42 przez kamilus
[#206] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@kamilus, post #205

Wicher stoi za 599zł teraz. Jakby był za 200zł,
to bym już ze dwie sztuki miał w koszyku.
[#207] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@mmarcin2741, post #206

Rozsądna decyzja to kup po jednym z każdego.
[#208] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@mmarcin2741, post #206

No to widzisz - w rozwiązaniach budżetowych TF536 będzie bezkonkurencyjny. Za to Wicher będzie świetny jak potrzebujesz maksymalnej kompatybilności z oryginałem tylko większe taktowanie + fast ram.
[#209] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@mmarcin2741, post #206

To chyba sam sobie odpowiedziałeś...
A pytanie powinno być raczej w innym wątku.
[#210] Re: Cancellation of all TF projects

@RokiS, post #209

Nie tak dawno (jeszcze dwa tygodnie temu), ktoś sprzedawał na allegro 3 skończone płyty 4000tx.
Dzisiaj sprawdzam i nie ma żadnej :(
Nagle wszystkie się sprzedały?
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