[#2161] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@aszu, post #2160

This game is like better Coco Banana
[#2162] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@Gżegżółka, post #2159

Ale wymagania są AGA co w ogóle nie jest adekwatne do tego, co widać na ekranie.
[#2163] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mcgeezer, post #2158

The graphics does not look like AGA at all. If you advertise the title as a game for AGA chipset, people are expecting something better than what is currently presented. Many games for OCS/ECS chipset look better. Compare to non AGA titles like Worthy. I understand that it supposed to be a sort of an arcade conversion but maybe you should not limit yourself to poor graphics from the 80s and claiming it requires AGA.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 01.01.2019 16:21:52 przez mailman
[#2164] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mailman, post #2163

Maybe he doesn't want to spend tens of hours of work to adapt it to the ECS. From my perspective it is understable and having engine game with better gfx still can be made.
[#2165] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mailman, post #2163

It's arcade game conversion. But there IS already some additions, like copper sky and water.



My five cents to discussion - objects should have richer palette, arcade graphics are little more colorful. But treetops are better looking on Amiga AGA version.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 01.01.2019 16:44:09 przez Solo Kazuki
[#2166] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mailman, post #2162

Ale AGA to nie tylko liczba kolorow, to tez procesor, ilosc pamieci, sprajty itp. Do tego tutaj w ogole nie ma przeciwnikow jeszcze. Denis by wyliczyl ile kolorow ma Rygar, zdaje sie ze ponad 100 na raz.
[#2167] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@michal_zukowski, post #2164

Problem with ECS version AFAIK was less colors and chipset bandwidth - with about 8-10 enemies game slowdowns. As Don Adan says, AGA/A1200 it's not only richer palette, but overall faster graphics handling.
[#2168] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@Solo Kazuki, post #2167

I just don't want this game to be another "ReShoot" - amazing code but poor graphics ruined everything. A game worth praised is a game in which everything is balanced. Looking at the YouTube movies I can't see nothing that requires AGA in terms of richer palette, graphics handling, chipset bandwidth. I don't want to judge the book by the cover, I am just giving my opinion.
[#2169] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@aszu, post #2160

No worries and thanks for the welcome.

I came across this site as it was mentioned on the EAB... (specifically in a thread related to Heroes of Gorluth).
[#2170] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mailman, post #2168

There are a couple of reasons that the game requires the AGA chipset.

1) The AGA chipset has 256 colours and this is enabled with 8 bitplanes, however to get the parallax scrolling to work I either need to put the system into Dual Playfield mode which would give 16 colours foreground and 16 background, 16 colours int he foreground is not enough. The alternative is that I use the 5 Bitplanes + 3 technique which gives 32 colours in the foreground and 8 in the background.

So with that said, I'd partly agree with you that the graphics as they are shown now are not really that special (although an OCS chipset would have to compromise on the background).

2) ... and this is the core reason, the AGA chipset has wide sprites available...specifically 32 or 64 which the OCS machines don'y have. The videos currently do not show the sprite multiplexer I have but I have previously done this in another video (see below). An OCS machine simply can't push that many 32x32 sprites around.

3) The AGA machine has a faster CPU running at 14 Mhz but more importantly it has a 256 byte cache, this is a massive difference in performance and the game is optimized to use the cache.

All in all the game must run at 50Hz, other wise it will be a failure. There is technically nothing I can do about the number of available colours other than use the copper and the project does not have a graphics artist actively working on it.

Hope this helps, if you have any suggestions to improve it then be sure to let me know.


Ostatnia aktualizacja: 01.01.2019 17:32:42 przez mcgeezer
[#2171] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mcgeezer, post #2170

Everything is clear to me and I completely understand what you are saying but what I meant is basically what you wrote here:

and the project does not have a graphics artist actively working on it.

If there was a graphics artist, he could have brightened the graphics and make it more vivid or lavish. Currently it looks like OCS. For a regular player all the technical stuff has less importance if he can't distinguished objects between themselves.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 01.01.2019 17:39:43 przez mailman
[#2172] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mailman, post #2171

Well it might change later if someone wants to help with it, like I said, I'm not a graphics guy.

It doesn't look like an OCS game, the OCS can't handle the background layer - it could the foreground later.

And the objects in the game are perfectly visible (at least under my testing anyway).
[#2173] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@Don_Adan, post #2166

The Rygar arcade board can display 128 colours at any one time from a total palette of 4096.

It can also move up to 24 32x32 pixel sprites at any one time.

[#2174] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mcgeezer, post #2172

Well it might change later if someone wants to help with it, like I said, I'm not a graphics guy.

And this was my point from the very beginning.

It doesn't look like an OCS game, the OCS can't handle the background layer - it could the foreground later.

It is a technical matter - not important for a common player. I guess your target are not coders (a joke!

And the objects in the game are perfectly visible (at least under my testing anyway).

Mostly, the creators do not see their own mistakes and this is why they need testers and so called "external opinion of the third party"
[#2175] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mailman, post #2174

Yep, all fine. If you spot other things then let me know, some I'll agree with and some I won't - but that's life.
[#2176] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mcgeezer, post #2172

For average player it looks like an A500 game, 'cause "hurrr SotB has multi parallax and similar palette capability durrr". A good pixel artist can spice up those graphics within palette limitations, so try to get one into your team. Nonetheless, keep up the good work, you're doing fine!
[#2177] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@teh_KaiN, post #2176

I have someone from this forum who is looking into it but I will wait to see what he says.

Thanks for the feedback
[#2178] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mcgeezer, post #2177

i can bet, you are talking about koyot:) i'm sure he will get the job done!

a bit offtopic, but have you seen this thread?


we will get a new gfx card on clockport:)
[#2179] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mcgeezer, post #2177

Hi, can i also ask if there are any good amiga musicians here to get in touch if you wiuld be willing to do the audio in the my port of Rygar.
[#2180] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mcgeezer, post #2179

i would try aceman - drop him an email: lord_aceman@o2.pl

you can find his collection in here: http://www.modules.pl/?id=search&q=aceman
[#2181] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mcgeezer, post #2170

[#2182] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mailman, post #1

Grupa tworzenia nowej gry, Point And Click
Hard Copy Party

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 03.01.2019 18:51:24 przez fondriesete
[#2183] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@fondriesete, post #2182

[#2184] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@mailman, post #2183

Prace nad Rygar AGA idą do przodu. Jest już licznik czasu i poprawiono detekcję kolizji.

[#2185] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@Solo Kazuki, post #2184

Brawo- trzymam kcuki OK
[#2186] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@BULI, post #2185

Powstaje gra mocno inspirowana serią Beast pod tytułem EON. Na razie wiadomo, że wymagać będzie AGA.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 09.01.2019 11:26:09 przez Solo Kazuki
[#2187] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@Solo Kazuki, post #2186

OKOK ogień piekielny
[#2188] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@Solo Kazuki, post #2186

Dla użytkowników systemów Amiga NG dobre wiadomości w sprawie EON.

[#2189] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@Solo Kazuki, post #2188

Bardzo dobre podejście aby gra wyszła na jak największą liczbę platform.
[#2190] Re: Zapowiedzi nowych gier

@Solo Kazuki, post #2188

Kilka zrzutek z gry EON.

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